









本講座では、適切な問いを発見・設定する力を鍛え、自律した実践をゼロから組み立てる人材を育成する第一歩として、ハーバード大学院オンラインプログラムでも採用されている問いづくりメソッド「Question Formulation Technique(QFT)」を取り入れています。


QFTは、アメリカのNPO団体「The Right Question Institute(RQI)」が開発したメソッドです。



※The Right Question Institute は、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスを通じて、資料を提供しています。非営利目的においては、ご自由にご利用・ご共有いただけます。ただし、下記の文章の通り出典を明記することが必要となります。

「出典: The Right Question Institute (RQI)。 質問づくり( The Question Formulation Technique、QFT) は、RQIが開発した手法です。詳細や資料につきましては、RQIのHPにて公開されていますので、ご覧ください。」

営利目的でのQFTのご利用に関しましては、[email protected]までお問合せいただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。











本講座では、適切な問いを発見・設定する力を鍛え、自律した実践をゼロから組み立てる人材を育成する第一歩として、ハーバード大学院オンラインプログラムでも採用されている問いづくりメソッド「Question Formulation Technique(QFT)」を取り入れています。


QFTは、アメリカのNPO団体「The Right Question Institute(RQI)」が開発したメソッドです。



※The Right Question Institute は、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスを通じて、資料を提供しています。非営利目的においては、ご自由にご利用・ご共有いただけます。ただし、下記の文章の通り出典を明記することが必要となります。

「出典: The Right Question Institute (RQI)。 質問づくり( The Question Formulation Technique、QFT) は、RQIが開発した手法です。詳細や資料につきましては、RQIのHPにて公開されていますので、ご覧ください。」

営利目的でのQFTのご利用に関しましては、[email protected]までお問合せいただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。

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과학의 발전과 함께 인류의 미래를 탐구하는 삼성의 철학자 채주락 !

오직 마이크임팩트에서만 전하는 <'AI기술'에 대한 Insight>

[마이크임팩트 GTC : Grand Tech Class] - 테크수업


기술이 상식이 되는 시대

기술을 모르면 생존할 수 없다 !

다음 단어 중 당신은 몇개나 알고 있나요 ?

AI 인공지능 클라우드 빅데이터 자율주행 핀테크

메타버스 블록체인 로봇 전기차

수소경제 나노테크 가상현실 사물인터넷

놀랍게도 이 생소한 단어들이 앞으로의 세상을 열어갈 Keyword 입니다.

애플, 구글, 아마존, 페이스북, 넷플릭스 등 미국의 현재 10대 기업 중 8개는

IT를 기반으로한 테크놀로지 기업입니다.


세상의 중심이 될 미래 기술을 각 분야 최고 전문가들이 알려드립니다.

"미래의 수혜자는 기술을 적극적으로 받아들이는 사람들이 될 것이다"

1. AI: 제품의 출발과 끝

2. 인류사의 끝단에 필연적으로 등장할 AI 로봇

3. 인간 본질 분석의 장/도구

4. 인간과 AI의 동작 메커니즘

5. 인간 존재와 삶에 대한 분석/이해

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

과학의 발전과 함께 인류의 미래를 탐구하는 삼성의 철학자 채주락 !

오직 마이크임팩트에서만 전하는 <'AI기술'에 대한 Insight>

[마이크임팩트 GTC : Grand Tech Class] - 테크수업


기술이 상식이 되는 시대

기술을 모르면 생존할 수 없다 !

다음 단어 중 당신은 몇개나 알고 있나요 ?

AI 인공지능 클라우드 빅데이터 자율주행 핀테크

메타버스 블록체인 로봇 전기차

수소경제 나노테크 가상현실 사물인터넷

놀랍게도 이 생소한 단어들이 앞으로의 세상을 열어갈 Keyword 입니다.

애플, 구글, 아마존, 페이스북, 넷플릭스 등 미국의 현재 10대 기업 중 8개는

IT를 기반으로한 테크놀로지 기업입니다.


세상의 중심이 될 미래 기술을 각 분야 최고 전문가들이 알려드립니다.

"미래의 수혜자는 기술을 적극적으로 받아들이는 사람들이 될 것이다"

1. AI: 제품의 출발과 끝

2. 인류사의 끝단에 필연적으로 등장할 AI 로봇

3. 인간 본질 분석의 장/도구

4. 인간과 AI의 동작 메커니즘

5. 인간 존재와 삶에 대한 분석/이해

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What AI won't be able to replace? Our feelings, since it is hard for a machine to express honest feelings just because it has no soul. 

We humans luckily have soul however not all of us know how to express well different emotions in different situations. Beside how to communicate effectively you will learn here how to express different emotions in order to succeed in different interactions. These emotions will be of a great use when you want to compete with AI or others in your personal or professional life.

One of the basic pillars for a successful life are our interpersonal communication skills. If we Master them, we can truly experience tremendous results in our personal and professional life.

- Have you ever experienced that you made the wrong decision and later felt regret about it?
- Did it happen to you that you could not handle a heated situation with another person well and it ended up undesirable?

- Have you ever felt awkward or embarrassed because your professional or loving partner didn't want to listen to you? ...and if it did listen to you, he/she misunderstood you?
- Were you in a situation where you wanted to get something during a discussion/negotiation from another person (like your employer, friend, parents, loved one, professional partners), but you could not reach your goal?

- Have you been deceived or misled by other people both in your personal or professional life?

Well, many of us experienced all the previously mentioned situations. Why? One reason for that is many of us didn't take time to develop those skills which could prevent us from experiencing all those frustrating and depressing cases.

Would you like to find out more about those skills which could bring into your personal and professional life successes, happiness and abundance?

In these courses you will have the chance to learn about the basic interpersonal communication skills like, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation or Decision Making.

Learning about these pillars, exercising and mastering them in real life situations you will be able to:

- Make the best possible decisions both in your personal and your professional life.
- When you face a conflict with an individual, handle it in the best possible way.

- Communicate to people so they want to listen to you, understand you well and even are convinced by you!

- When you want to get advantages for you in a negotiation/discussion with your employer, loving partner, friends or others, reach your goals and desires by maintaining a fantastic relationship with the person.

- Spot any deceit or misleading attempt from anyone who you face in any real-life situation (like in your workplace, at home or any other place)

What else will you learn from the courses?

- Learn how to read people

- Learn how to understand others

- How to be more persuasive

- How to live a more stressful and peaceful life

- How to create and maintain nice relationships

- How to behave in order to gain your financial goals, boost your income

- What to do to be more expressive

- How to express and spot confidence, power, dominance, weakness, shyness, lie

- How to be admired, accepted, desired

- How to become a better communicator

In the courses video examples are built in order to enhance your understanding and to give you an uplifting, colorful experience. After each chapter you will find Chapter Summaries which further can assist you. BONUS lessons are built inside the program which could boost your skills and understanding in incredibly unique ways.

See you inside the courses! 

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What AI won't be able to replace? Our feelings, since it is hard for a machine to express honest feelings just because it has no soul. 

We humans luckily have soul however not all of us know how to express well different emotions in different situations. Beside how to communicate effectively you will learn here how to express different emotions in order to succeed in different interactions. These emotions will be of a great use when you want to compete with AI or others in your personal or professional life.

One of the basic pillars for a successful life are our interpersonal communication skills. If we Master them, we can truly experience tremendous results in our personal and professional life.

- Have you ever experienced that you made the wrong decision and later felt regret about it?
- Did it happen to you that you could not handle a heated situation with another person well and it ended up undesirable?

- Have you ever felt awkward or embarrassed because your professional or loving partner didn't want to listen to you? ...and if it did listen to you, he/she misunderstood you?
- Were you in a situation where you wanted to get something during a discussion/negotiation from another person (like your employer, friend, parents, loved one, professional partners), but you could not reach your goal?

- Have you been deceived or misled by other people both in your personal or professional life?

Well, many of us experienced all the previously mentioned situations. Why? One reason for that is many of us didn't take time to develop those skills which could prevent us from experiencing all those frustrating and depressing cases.

Would you like to find out more about those skills which could bring into your personal and professional life successes, happiness and abundance?

In these courses you will have the chance to learn about the basic interpersonal communication skills like, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation or Decision Making.

Learning about these pillars, exercising and mastering them in real life situations you will be able to:

- Make the best possible decisions both in your personal and your professional life.
- When you face a conflict with an individual, handle it in the best possible way.

- Communicate to people so they want to listen to you, understand you well and even are convinced by you!

- When you want to get advantages for you in a negotiation/discussion with your employer, loving partner, friends or others, reach your goals and desires by maintaining a fantastic relationship with the person.

- Spot any deceit or misleading attempt from anyone who you face in any real-life situation (like in your workplace, at home or any other place)

What else will you learn from the courses?

- Learn how to read people

- Learn how to understand others

- How to be more persuasive

- How to live a more stressful and peaceful life

- How to create and maintain nice relationships

- How to behave in order to gain your financial goals, boost your income

- What to do to be more expressive

- How to express and spot confidence, power, dominance, weakness, shyness, lie

- How to be admired, accepted, desired

- How to become a better communicator

In the courses video examples are built in order to enhance your understanding and to give you an uplifting, colorful experience. After each chapter you will find Chapter Summaries which further can assist you. BONUS lessons are built inside the program which could boost your skills and understanding in incredibly unique ways.

See you inside the courses!